Timeframe of this week: from 00:00 July 01, 2018 to 24:00 July 11, 2018
Beijing time (GMT+8)

0days 0minutes 0seconds

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This Week’s Referrer Rankings

The Week’s Referrer Rankings are for reference only. The final results are subject to Nebulas official announcement. “Pending” means the contributor’s invitation amounts are based on further investigation or verification. The contributor is not eligible for a super contributor until the investigation or verification has been completed.

Rankings Names Score

The Week’s Referrer Rankings are for reference only. The final results are subject to Nebulas official announcement. “Pending” means the contributor’s invitation amounts are based on further investigation or verification. The contributor is not eligible for a super contributor until the investigation or verification has been completed, but continuing to new users during the investigation is allowed. The contributor is eligible for a super contributor in the week when the “pending” status has been removed. Under such circumstances, the invitation amounts obtained by the contributor during the week/weeks of pending shall be included in the calculation of rank.